
Native Discovery

Our Program

Our program is comprised of a very diverse Native American Community and continues to grow every year. Our goal is to promote health and wellness in this community and utilize traditional and cultural customs.

Native Discovery is an urban American Indian recovery program that also provides other community based services and activities for the Native American population.

Map Location

Our Monthly Recovery Program Schedule

Time: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurday Friday Saturday
8:00am Alcohol Anonymous Meeting Alcohol Anonymous Meeting Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Alcohol Anonymous Meeting Mens Talking Circle Womens Talking Circle
10:00am Cleaning of the grounds Learn How to Cook (New Skills) Alcohol Anonymous Meeting Alcohol Anonymous Meeting Narcotics Anonymous Meeting life skils
12:00pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
2:00pm Mens Talking Circle Womens Talking Circle Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Alcohol Anonymous Meeting life skils Cleaning of the grounds
4:00pm Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time

Where to find services today


This is a simple page I am putting together to learn HTML

How exciting! Yes, This is really is exciting. WARNING!!! this level of excitment may cause your head to explode.